Upgrading from v0.13 to v0.14

Due to changes in the Deployment selector you will need to remove the deployments first before being able to upgrade.

You should run the following before upgrading:

$ kubectl delete -n cert-manager deployment cert-manager cert-manager-cainjector cert-manager-webhook

If you’re using Helm to install cert-manager with a deployment name different than cert-manager you might need to change the deployment names in the command above.

This will delete the deployment so they can be replaced when you apply the upgrade. This step will not affect any existing certificates but will stop renewal or new issuance while upgrading.

Version v0.14 now comes in 2 versions of static manifests, you will need to use the correct new one:

  • Kubernetes 1.15 or higher: you can use the normal cert-manager.yaml
  • Kubernetes 1.14 or lower: you have to now use the cert-manager-legacy.yaml version
  • OpenShift 4: you can now use the normal cert-manager.yaml
  • OpenShift 3: you have to now use the cert-manager-legacy.yaml version instead of the OpenShift version

Note: If you’re using the cert-manager-legacy.yaml version you will not have API version conversion and thus only support cert-manager.io/v1alpha2 API resources.

The webhook is now a required component, meaning that no-webhook variant of the manifests are no longer available in this release. Please use the appropriate manifests as mentioned above according to your Kubernetes version.

From here on you can follow the regular upgrade process.