Contributing Flow

All of cert-manager’s development is done via GitHub which contains code, issues and pull requests.


All bugs should be tracked as issues inside the GitHub repository. Issues should then be attached with the kind/bug tag. This may then be assigned a priority and milestone to be addressed in a future release.

The more logs and information you can give about what and how the bug has been discovered, the faster it can be resolved.

Critical bug fixes are typically also cherry picked to the current minor stable release.

Note: If you are simply looking for troubleshooting then you should post your question to the community cert-manager slack channel. Please also check that the bug has not already been filed by searching for key terms in the issue search bar.


Feature requests should be created as GitHub issues. They should contain clear motivation for the feature you wish to see as well as some possible solutions for how it can be implemented.

Note: It is often a good idea to bring your feature request up on the community cert-manger-dev slack channel to discuss whether the feature request has already been made or is aligned with the project’s priorities.

Creating Pull Requests

Changes to the cert-manager code base is done via pull requests. Each pull request should ideally have a corresponding issue attached that is to be fixed by this pull request. It is valid for multiple pull requests to resolve a single issue in the interest of keeping code changes self contained and simpler to review.

Once created, a Jetstack member will assign themselves for review and enable testing. To make sure the changes get merged, keep an eye out for reviews which can have multiple cycles.

Once code has been merged, your changes will appear in the next minor release of cert-manager. If the pull request is a critical bug fix then this will probably also be cherry picked to the current stable version of cert-manager as a patch release.