Backup and Restore Resources
If you need to uninstall cert-manager, or transfer your installation to a new cluster, you can backup all of cert-manager’s configuration in order to later re-install.
Backing up
To backup all of your cert-manager configuration resources, run:
$ kubectl get -o yaml \
--all-namespaces \
issuer,clusterissuer,certificates,certificaterequests > cert-manager-backup.yaml
If you are transferring data to a new cluster, you may also need to copy across additional Secret resources that are referenced by your configured Issuers, such as:
CA Issuers
- The root CA Secret referenced by
Vault Issuers
- The token authentication Secret referenced by
- The AppRole configuration Secret referenced by
ACME Issuers
- The ACME account private key Secret referenced by
- Any Secrets referenced by DNS providers configured under the
Restoring Resources
In order to restore your configuration, you can simply kubectl apply
the files
created above after installing cert-manager.
$ kubectl apply -f cert-manager-backup.yaml
If you have migrated from an old cluster, you will need to make sure to run a
similar kubectl apply
command to restore your Secret resources too.