Building cert-manager

cert-manager makes use of Bazel to build the project. Bazel manages all developer dependencies, Helm chart building, Docker images and the code itself. We try to use it as much as possible. We currently use Bazel v3.7.2. The minimum supported version is v3.5.0.

TIP: are you using GoLand? Make sure to exclude the bazel- folders! You can do this by right clicking on the folder -> Mark Directory As -> Excluded This will save you a ton of CPU time!

TIP: are you sitting on a corporate network with internal PKI? Bazel does not honor custom CA certificates by default, but depending on your OS a clean workaround might be available.

A quick intro to Bazel

Bazel has 3 main commands which we use:

bazel build [...] will build and compile code for you e.g. bazel build //cmd/ctl will build our CLI. bazel test [...] will run any tests for a given package bazel run [...] is only used to run certain scripts not the compiled code (unlike Go). e.g. bazel run //hack/bin:helm will download and run Helm.

Package format

After any Bazel command you will see something that looks like a path. Let’s take bazel run //hack/bin:helm as an example:

  • // is the cert-manager project root, no matter in which directory under cert-manager you are it will find it
  • hack/bin is the path where the code is to execute/build/test you will for example see pkg/acme/ to run ACME tests
  • :helm is the part of the Bazel file to execute, these are defined in the Bazel config themselves.

TIP: ... is a recursive lookup in Bazel, it will run al tests in all subfolders when set, it is also the easiest way to invoke them. For example bazel test //pkg/... will test all tests in all packages.

Help so much Bazel!

No worries we have a lot of helper scripts for you! Need to set up a local cluster and install cert-manager in it? Take a look at our kind documentation.

We also have a few very handy tools inside ./hack and ./devel. These are the most common ones which you can use:

Just update everything you can!

Bazel takes care of a lot of automatic code generation for us, from generating CRD updates to updating its own BUILD.bazel files. If you just want to do everything at once (and have 5 minutes of your time) you can run:

$ ./hack/

This will update everything you need without having to care about what needs changing.

NOTE: we strongly recommend running this before you create a PR!

I need granular control

You can also pick and mix the individual bash helper scripts:

  • updates the all *.bazel files including formatting them
  • runs all code generation
  • updates all CRD files to the latest scheme
  • updates the LICENCES file, needed when adding/updating dependencies
  • installs new dependencies declared in the code and adds them into the Bazel and Go module files
  • runs go fmt on all code

Most of these have a verify-* equivalent which will run inside our CI to verify all the scripts ran before merging the PR.

Building the project

You can ask Bazel to build the code for you to run in your local machine. The output will end up in bazel-out on your disk.

You can get the exact path by looking at the Bazel output:

Target //cmd/ctl:ctl up-to-date:

Building the Go binaries (for local OS)

You can build the controllers to run them locally using:

$ bazel build //cmd/...

If you need them inside a local cluster check out our kind documentation.

Building the CLI

You can use go run ./cmd/ctl to quickly run the CLI. You can also compile it using Bazel:

$ bazel build //cmd/ctl

Building images

If you need the Docker images you can generate these using:

$ export APP_VERSION="dev"
$ bazel run \
		--stamp \
		--platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 \

--stamp enables reproducible builds while --platforms defines which images to build, in this example for AMD64 Linux.

Testing the project

cert-manager has 3 kinds of tests, which can each be invoked separately to give you granular control.

  • Unit tests: you can either use go test (or your IDE) here, or Bazel. For example bazel test //pkg/acme/... runs all tests in the ACME package
  • Integration tests: bazel test //test/integration/... will run all integration tests against a Bazel operated kube-apiserver
  • End-to-end tests: see the e2e documentation

TIP: ... is a recursive lookup in Bazel, it will run all tests in all subfolders when set, it is also the easiest way to invoke them.

But… I like Makefiles more

We got you covered! The root of the repo has a Makefile which you can use for quick actions. Which will use Bazel in the background. We recommend looking at the file to learn all possible options.